In support of the implementation of Department of Science and Technology – Science and Technology Information Institute’s (DOST-STII) Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosks or STARBOOKS, which contain hundreds and thousands of digitized science and technology resources in various formats (text and video/audio) set in a user’s friendly interface, DOST- Provincial S&T Center (PSTC) Cavite conducted training on the use, operation, and maintenance of the system for the staff of the Cavite State University – Main Campus Library on 22 July.
Mr. Laurence Angelo Ferre Bago of DOST-PSTC Cavite, served as a Resource Speaker on the said STARBOOKS Orientation and User’s Hand’s-on Training. He presented and introduced the system’s operation, methods of accessing the contents of the program, and the reporting process. After the lecture, he encouraged the staff of the CvSU Main Library to experience hands-on operation. He advised the group to regularly coordinate with DOST and report the status of the use of STARBOOKS or any problems that they may encounter so that technical assistance will be provided to resolve the issues.
Amidst the pandemic, DOST continuously deploys STARBOOKS to more than 22 sites or schools in Cavite. STARBOOKS is an offline science library-in-a-box, containing thousands of digital resources on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) that are easily retrievable. It serves as a reliable source of digital scientific and technological information in order to reduce the gap between information and learners.